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Tema de ayuda: Gallery

The gallery can be used to upload images you wish to share with the community. To access it, click the "Gallery" tab at the top of any page.

Gallery Home Page
The gallery has two areas: Categories and albums. Administrators will create the categories that you can upload images into, or create albums within. If you have permission to create albums, you will be able to create them within the categories that administrators designate as accepting new albums. The homepage may show a feed of recent images, featured images, categories and/or recently updated albums, depending upon the administrator's configuration selections.

Viewing Categories and Albums

Image Listing
You will see a tiled layout of images that the album contains. You can click on any thumbnail to see the full-size image. The information will initially display inline, allowing you to navigate the images without leaving the page, however you can view more details about the image by clicking on the image caption within the window.
If the category has any sub-categories or albums, you will see these listed.

Slide Shows
You may be able to see a slide show of all images in that category or album by pressing the slide show link when viewing the list of images. Click on the Slidehow link to enter the slideshow mode.

Viewing Images

Information, ratings and options
To the side of the image, you will see more information about the image such as who uploaded it, when they uploaded it, how many views and comments the image has, and how big it is.

You may see a number of stars which show the image's rating. You may also be able to rate the image yourself by selecting one of the stars. If you are able to rate an image, the stars will change color as you move your pointer over them.

To the side of the image you will see a photostrip of other images in the category or album, which you can use to quickly jump to those images. You can cycle through these images by clicking the < and > buttons to the left and right of the photostrip.

Sharing Images

Below the image, you will have several options to share it with others, such as Facebook, Email, or Twitter.
Embed Images
Each image has unique HTML and BBCode embed links for you to embed them on your website or within the forums. To display these, click on the "Options" drop down, and then click on "Share Links"
At the bottom of the image's page, you will see any existing comments on the image. You can add a comment by pressing the " Add Comment" button, and you can use the "Reply" and "Multiquote" links, and the Fast Reply box, just like in the forums.

Adding your Images

Clicking an upload link or button will take you to the media upload page. This is a two step process.
The first step is to select or create an album (or category) to upload the images into. Once the album or category has been set, you can upload images right away when the upload form reveals itself.
When you have uploaded the images you wish, you click the 'Review & Publish' button which will allow you to rotate the image or edit the image's details.

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@  Toniramon : (16 May 2020 - 09:21 PM)

Hola Mimi. Casi mejor que preguntes directamente en el foro, ya que si el foro está poco concurrido, menos lo está el chad. Sin poder darte una respuesta fiable, yo te diría que al menos dejaras pasar unas 48 horas, aunque como vengo de marino no te fies de mi respuesta.

@  Mimi : (16 May 2020 - 02:55 PM)

Estoy modificando las burbujas por segundo del CO2 para intentar que estén entre 30-35mgr/l, sabéis cuanto tiempo tengo que esperar para medir el ph y kh para hacer el cálculo?

@  Toniramon : (14 April 2020 - 08:29 PM)

Hola escalares20

@  TianMammola : (03 December 2019 - 11:44 PM)

Hola! hay alguien de marino por ahi?

@  Toniramon : (05 August 2019 - 08:22 PM)


@  MUNDOREPTIL : (23 September 2017 - 06:41 AM) No aun no puedo borrarlo, en el area de enfermedades, se llama ''hongo en guppy'', gracas
@  Toniramon : (21 September 2017 - 09:06 PM) Los usuarios no pueden borrar posts. Solo pueden hacerlo colaboradores y moderadores
@  Oriol Llv : (16 September 2017 - 08:54 PM) Hola, pudiste borrarlo? Si no manda un mp y me dices que post es.
@  MUNDOREPTIL : (13 September 2017 - 12:17 PM) alguien sabe como eliminar un post?
@  MUNDOREPTIL : (13 September 2017 - 12:17 PM) buenaasa
@  Toniramon : (03 July 2017 - 05:20 PM) Pero ya está editada.
@  Toniramon : (03 July 2017 - 05:19 PM) Hola Rui. Los archivos adjuntos salen siempre en miniatura. Las fotos se deben adjuntar desde un servidor, como photobucket para que salgan en su tamaño original.
@  Rui : (03 July 2017 - 01:25 PM) me sale en miniatura el archivo adjunto. A ver si lo podéis poner normal algun moderador.
@  Rui : (03 July 2017 - 01:24 PM) Hola
@  Toniramon : (08 May 2017 - 07:30 PM) Hola
@  Dracko1 : (26 January 2017 - 01:44 AM) :D
@  Dracko1 : (26 January 2017 - 01:44 AM) Hola
@  luis94 : (07 January 2017 - 05:18 AM) hola
@  Toniramon : (06 January 2017 - 03:42 PM) Helow Dracko1 :)
@  Alparu : (01 December 2016 - 11:53 PM) FELICIDADES ORIOL!!! :D :D :lol: