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Ecologia e etnoecologia de Hypancistrus zebra (Siluriformes: Loricariidae) no rio...

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#1 L-ko



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Publicado el 07 December 2013 - 11:34 AM

Alany Pedrosa Gonçalves


H. Zebra is a fish species of the Loricariidae family, Ancistrinae subfamily, endemic of the Xingu River, with distribution from Belo Monte to the confluence of the Xingu and Iriri rivers. Being a species with great market value aquarist ornamental his capture became rampant, making it an endangered species. Despite strong pressure on H. zebra, there are still few studies on the species. Thus, given the scarcity of Basic information and the constant threats, knowing the biology and ecology of H. zebra, aggregating the results of scientific research, also the local ecological knowledge of fishermen ornamental trade about this species becomes an essential tool for the conservation of the species. The distribution of H. zebra is restricted to a small stretch of the Xingu River, between Gorgulho da Rita and Itaubinha, and does not occur evenly, it depends on the presence of boulders. A total of 283 individuals of H. zebra were visualized in the rocky outcrops of the study area, of which 232 were captured. The lowest average abundance was Gorgulho da Rita, as opposed to the site Jericoá with the greatest abundance. Between periods, there was a greater abundance in dry river and lowest value for the period of filling. Environmental factors had no significant influence on the abundance of H. zebra. H. zebra is a generalist species, feeding mainly of periphytic algae, debris, plant debris and sponges, while nematodes and millipedes were considered occasional items. Diet composition and abundance of H. zebra showed no significant differences for collection sites, periods of the year and ontogeny. Considering the composition and abundance of the diet, H. zebra can be considered an iliophagousomnivorous, and ability to adapt changes in food availability in the construction of the Hidroeletric Belo Monte. Ornamental trade fishermen demonstrate expert knowledge concerning the distribution and abundance, habitat, feeding, predation and reproduction of the H. zebra, which can be used to optimize work and to facilitate future Management measures. The construction of the Hydroeltric Belo Monte Hydroelectric is a threat to the survival of H. zebra and future studies and monitoring of the species are needed, either as mitigation of impacts, either as to captive breeding as an alternative income coastal communities who depend on fishing on the Xingu river ornamental.
Fuente: Alany Pedrosa Gonçalves, Dissertação: "Ecologia e etnoecologia de Hypancistrus zebra (Siluriformes: Loricariidae) no rio Xingu, Amazônia brasileira" (pdf, portugués)

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#2 Rene MG

Rene MG


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Publicado el 07 December 2013 - 07:12 PM

HOLa graciasss excelente trabajo de Maestria :ok: (Master in Sciencies):ok:

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@  Toniramon : (16 May 2020 - 09:21 PM)

Hola Mimi. Casi mejor que preguntes directamente en el foro, ya que si el foro está poco concurrido, menos lo está el chad. Sin poder darte una respuesta fiable, yo te diría que al menos dejaras pasar unas 48 horas, aunque como vengo de marino no te fies de mi respuesta.

@  Mimi : (16 May 2020 - 02:55 PM)

Estoy modificando las burbujas por segundo del CO2 para intentar que estén entre 30-35mgr/l, sabéis cuanto tiempo tengo que esperar para medir el ph y kh para hacer el cálculo?

@  Toniramon : (14 April 2020 - 08:29 PM)

Hola escalares20

@  TianMammola : (03 December 2019 - 11:44 PM)

Hola! hay alguien de marino por ahi?

@  Toniramon : (05 August 2019 - 08:22 PM)


@  MUNDOREPTIL : (23 September 2017 - 06:41 AM) No aun no puedo borrarlo, en el area de enfermedades, se llama ''hongo en guppy'', gracas
@  Toniramon : (21 September 2017 - 09:06 PM) Los usuarios no pueden borrar posts. Solo pueden hacerlo colaboradores y moderadores
@  Oriol Llv : (16 September 2017 - 08:54 PM) Hola, pudiste borrarlo? Si no manda un mp y me dices que post es.
@  MUNDOREPTIL : (13 September 2017 - 12:17 PM) alguien sabe como eliminar un post?
@  MUNDOREPTIL : (13 September 2017 - 12:17 PM) buenaasa
@  Toniramon : (03 July 2017 - 05:20 PM) Pero ya está editada.
@  Toniramon : (03 July 2017 - 05:19 PM) Hola Rui. Los archivos adjuntos salen siempre en miniatura. Las fotos se deben adjuntar desde un servidor, como photobucket para que salgan en su tamaño original.
@  Rui : (03 July 2017 - 01:25 PM) me sale en miniatura el archivo adjunto. A ver si lo podéis poner normal algun moderador.
@  Rui : (03 July 2017 - 01:24 PM) Hola
@  Toniramon : (08 May 2017 - 07:30 PM) Hola
@  Dracko1 : (26 January 2017 - 01:44 AM) :D
@  Dracko1 : (26 January 2017 - 01:44 AM) Hola
@  luis94 : (07 January 2017 - 05:18 AM) hola
@  Toniramon : (06 January 2017 - 03:42 PM) Helow Dracko1 :)
@  Alparu : (01 December 2016 - 11:53 PM) FELICIDADES ORIOL!!! :D :D :lol: